Shubhada Agrawal
Herbert A. Johnson/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow
Vahid Eghbal Akhlaghi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Christos Alexopoulos
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Jane Ammons
Professor Emerita
Turgay Ayer
Virginia C. and Joseph C. Mello Chair
Hayriye Ayhan
Photo of Kathryn Ballard
Development Associate
Ali Vatankhah Barenji
Senior Research Scientist
Frederick Benaben
Adjunct Professor
Carole Bennett
Grants Operations Manager
Mohammad N. Bisheh
Postdoctoral Fellow
Brandy Blake
Director of Professional and Technical Communication
Ann Blasick
Director of Career Services
Douglas Bodner
Part-Time Lecturer
Caleb Bugg
Jerry and Harriett Thuesen Postdoctoral Fellow
Frances Buser
Academic Program Manager
Picture of Michael Butros
Educational Outreach Manager II
Jeff Caimano
Assistant Director of Financial Operations
Camille C. Henriquez
Communications Manager
Michael Carson
Building Coordinator II
Eyal Castiel
Postdoctoral Fellow
Yuang Chen
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Xin Chen
James C. Edenfield Chair
Diego Cifuentes
Assistant Professor
Michael Connor
Assistant Director Business Operations
Lisa Cox
HR Administrative Manager
Constance Crozier
Assistant Professor
Mathieu Dahan
Assistant Professor
Kevin Dalmeijer
Senior Research Associate
Sudie Pennebaker Davis
Academic Advisor II
Arthur Delarue
Assistant Professor
Shijie Deng
Associate Professor
Santanu Dey
Director of Doctoral Recruiting and Admissions
Anderson-Interface Chair
Yu Ding
Anderson-Interface Chair
Harvey Donaldson
Academic Professional (Retired)
Camille Douglass
Administrative Professional Sr
Chris Drobny
Academic & Research IT Engineer Support Lead
Marsilleth Ellis
Administrative Professional Sr.
Carol English
Director of Development
Alan Erera
Associate Chair for Research
Manhattan Associates/Dabbiere Chair
Augustine Esogbue
Professor Emeritus
Natalie M. Esparza
Communications Officer II
Daniela Estrada
Academic Program Manager
Jonathan Etress
Facilities Manager Sr
Amanda Ford
Academic Program Manager II
Chris Gaffney
Managing Director of SCL
Academic Program Director in GTPE
Christian Gallie
Academic Program Manager I
Gian-Gabriel Garcia
Assistant Professor
Nagi Gebraeel
Georgia Power Professor
Rohan Ghuge
Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow
Program Support Coordinator
David Goldsman
Director of Master's Recruiting and Admissions
Coca-Cola Foundation Professor
Oktay Gunluk
Gary C. Butler Family Professor
Swati Gupta
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Steven Hackman
Associate Professor Emeritus
Headshot of Rabab Haider
Postdoctoral Fellow
Andy Haleblian
Director of Media and Technology
Yuklin Harding
Financial Admin Lead
Amira Hijazi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Systems Development Engineer
Tim Hull
Systems/IT Architect Mgr Sr
Xiaoming Huo
A. Russell Chandler III Professor
Garry Hutchison
Director of Business Operations
Katundu Imasiku
Postdoctoral Fellow
Application Developer Sr.
Professor (Retired)
Profile picture
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ronald Johnson
Adjunct Professor of the Practice
Roshan Joseph
A. Russell Chandler III Chair
Jovan Julien
Georgia Power Foundation Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor
Pinar Keskinocak
Associate Chair for Faculty Development
William W. George Chair
Tuba Ketenci
Director of Educational Outreach
Seong-Hee Kim
Anton Kleywegt
Associate Professor
Mingu Kwak
Postdoctoral Fellow
George Lan
A. Russell Chandler III Chair
Matthieu Lauras
Adjunct Professor
HR Coordinator
Ying (Laura) Li
Senior Lecturer
May Li
Academic & Research IT Support Engineer
Jing Li
Virginia C. and Joseph C. Mello Chair
David M. McKenney Family Associate Professor
Jon Lowe
Director of Student Services
Jiawei Lu
Postdoctoral Fellow
Jye-Chyi Lu
Siva Theja Maguluri
Fouts Family Early Career Professor
Associate Professor
Ashley Marshall's Headshot
MSA Corporate Relations Manager
Portrait picture of Juan Carlos Martínez Mori.
President's Postdoctoral Fellow
Valarie McConico, Programs and Operations Manager
Temp - Program & Operations
Leon McGinnis
Professor Emeritus
Candice McLemore
Director of Professional Master's Programs
Yajun Mei
Affiliate Professor
Johannes Milz
Assistant Professor
Linda Mobley
Project Support Specialist Sr
Renato Monteiro
Coca-Cola Foundation Chair
Benoit Montreuil
Coca-Cola Material Handling & Distribution Chair
Debankur Mukherjee
Leo and Louise Benatar Early Career Professor
Assistant Professor
A white woman with shoulder length dark red hair wearing a blue jacket and pink shirt.
Program & Operations Manager
Vidya Muthukumar
Assistant Professor
Nicoly Myles
Director of the Center for Academics, Success, and Equity (CASE)
Bento Natura
Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow
Dima Nazzal
Director of Professional Practice
George Nemhauser
Professor Emeritus
Arkadi Nemirovski
John P. Hunter, Jr. Chair
Program Manager
Santa Monica photo
Assistant Professor
Ashwin Pananjady
Assistant Professor
Rudy Paratchek
Program Support Coordinator
R. Gary Parker
Professor Emeritus
Kamran Paynabar
Fouts Family Professor
Srinivas Peeta
Frederick R. Dickerson Chair
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Alan Porter
Professor Emeritus
Murali Rajagopalan
CHMI Program Manager
Postdoctoral Fellow
Donald Ratliff
Regents' Professor Emeritus
Systems/IT Architect Mgr Sr
Yame Rollins
Development Assistant Sr
Edwin Romeijn
H. Milton and Carolyn J. Stewart School Chair
Kelley Ross
Academic & Research IT Support Engineer Lead
William Rouse
Professor Emeritus
Marianne Russell
Administrative Professional Sr.
Nick Sahinidis
Gary C. Butler Family Chair
Lisa Salter
Sponsored Research Consultant/Financial Manager
Nancy Sandlin
Senior Director of Development
Rosemarie Santan Gonzalez
Postdoctoral Fellow
Tejas Santanam
Part-time Lecturer
Martin Savelsbergh
Affiliate Professor
Katya Scheinberg
Coca-Cola Foundation Chair
Nicoleta Serban
Peterson Professor of Pediatric Research
Richard Serfozo
Professor Emeritus
Alexander Shapiro
A. Russell Chandler III Chair
 Lawrence Sharp
Director of Information Technology
Gunter Sharp
Associate Professor (Retired)
Harry Sharp
Academic Program Manager II
Jianjun Shi
Carolyn J. Stewart Chair
Stephanie Sigler
Corporate Relations Manager
Lauren Silver
Corporate Relations Manager
Mohit Singh
Coca-Cola Foundation Professor
Saurabh Sinha
Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Chair
Rachael Smith
Corporate Relations Manager
Julie Smith
Unit Administrative Officer
Joel Sokol
Harold E. Smalley Professor
Eunhye Song
Coca-Cola Foundation Early Career Professor
Assistant Professor
Financial Admin II
Lauren Steimle
Harold R. and Mary Anne Nash Early Career Professor
Assistant Professor
Andy Sun
Affliate Associate Professor
Mathieu Tanneau
Research Engineer II
Valerie Thomas
Anderson-Interface Chair of Natural Systems
Gerald Thuesen
Professor (Retired)
Craig Tovey
Moe Trebuchon
Edenfield Executive-in-Residence
Part-Time Lecturer
James Turneur
Academic Advisor II
Financial Administrator III
Administrative Professional Senior
Pascal Van Hentenryck
A. Russell Chandler III Chair
John Vande Vate
Santosh Vempala
Adjunct Professor
Jingyan Wang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ben Wang
Professor Emeritus
Photo of He Wang
Affiliate Associate Professor
Monike Welch
Events Coordinator II
Chelsea White
Schneider National Chair in Transportation and Logistics
Damon Williams
Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence (CoE)
Senior Lecturer
Jeff Wu
Coca-Cola Chair in Engineering Statistics
Weijun Xie
Coca-Cola Foundation Early Career Professor
Assistant Professor
Yao Xie
Coca-Cola Foundation Chair
Lei Xu
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Shihao Yang
Assistant Professor
Reza Zandehshahvar
Postdoctoral Fellow
Chuck Zhang
Eugene C. Gwaltney, Jr. Chair
Tuo Zhao
Assistant Professor
Enlu Zhou
Chen Zhou
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
Associate Professor
Juba Ziani
Assistant Professor