Adjunct Professor
- Ph.D. (1988), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- M.Sc. Mathematics (1983), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Transportation and Logistics
- Supply Chain Management
- Optimization
Martin Savelsbergh is an Affiliate Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. Martin is an optimization and logistics specialist with over 20 years of experience in mathematical modeling, operations research, optimization methods, algorithm design, performance analysis, logistics, supply chain management, and transportation systems. He has published over 150 research papers in many of the top optimization and logistics journals and has supervised more than 25 Ph.D. students. Martin has a track record of creating innovative techniques for solving large-scale optimization problems in a variety of areas, ranging from supply chain master planning and execution, to world-wide tank container management, to service network design, to production planning, and to vehicle routing and scheduling. Martin has given presentations and short courses on optimization, transportation, and logistics in more than a dozen countries around the world.
Before returning to Georgia Tech in August 2014, he was Director of the Centre for Optimal Planning and Operations and Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He led the Business and Services Analytics research program in the Mathematics, Informatics, and Statistics division of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia from July 2010 to October 2011.
He has been actively involved in many of the industrially sponsored research projects at The Supply Chain & Logistics Institute, including the development of dynamic load planning technology for Saia, a large LTL carrier, the development of cost-to-serve analysis technology for Praxair, a large industrial gas distributor, and the development of collaborative transportation procurement technology for Rubber Network, a conglomerate of tire companies.
Ongoing research projects that Martin is pursuing include innovations in last-mile delivery, advances in dynamic ride-sharing, methods for multi-objective optimization, and dynamic management of time-expanded networks.
Martin Savelsbergh was a founding partner of Axioma, Inc., a privately held company delivering state-of-the-art software solutions and consulting services for the financial sector (www.axioma.com).
Martin Savelsbergh is the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Science, the flagship journal of INFORMS in the area of transportation and logistics. He has served as Area Editor for Operations Research Letters and as Associate Editor for Mathematics of Operations Research, Operations Research, Naval Logistics Research, and Networks. Martin has served as president of the Transportation and Logistics Society of INFORMS and is an INFORMS Fellow.