ISyE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The ISyE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 2020. Supported by generous donations from ISyE alumni and friends, this program provides full or partial funding for postdoctoral fellows in all research areas within ISyE, including advanced manufacturing; analytics and machine learning; applied probability and simulation; data science and statistics; economic decision analysis; energy and sustainable systems; health and humanitarian systems; optimization; supply chain engineering; and system informatics and control. Postdoctoral Fellows in this program perform independent research at the cutting edge of their field in collaboration with one or more faculty mentors within the school. In addition, the program aims to prepare outstanding researchers for faculty careers that will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity through research, teaching, and service.

The Georgia Tech Community

Georgia Tech is a top-ranked public research university situated in the heart of Atlanta, a diverse and vibrant city with great economic and cultural strengths. The Institute is a member of the University System of Georgia, the Georgia Research Alliance, and the Association of American Universities. Georgia Tech prides itself in its high-quality student body, faculty focus on excellence, outstanding staff, technology resources, interdisciplinary culture, and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Diversity is one of Georgia Tech’s greatest strengths and one of the major priorities identified in our strategic plan. Georgia Tech is an equal education/employment opportunity institution dedicated to building a diverse community. We believe that diversity includes the individual differences among people from differing social, racial, or ethnic backgrounds, gender, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, economic circumstances, personal characteristics, philosophical outlooks, life experiences, perspectives, beliefs, expectations, physical abilities, and aspirations. Each of these characteristics, both singularly and in combination, contributes to the richness of the Georgia Tech community.

2024 Cohort

Abraar Chaudhry

Abraar Chaudhry

Gary C. Butler Family Postdoctoral Fellow

Abraar Chaudhry is currently a Ph.D. student at Princeton University. His research interests lie broadly in the theory of mathematical optimization and data science, with an emphasis on computational efficiency. His agenda focuses on using techniques from conic optimization (particularly semidefinite and algebraic optimization) to solve modern problems in learning and data science.

Mentor: Katya Scheinberg

Yao Ji

Yao Ji

H. Milton Stewart Postdoctoral Fellow

Yao Ji is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Industrial Engineering (IE) at Purdue University and expects to graduate in May 2024. Her research lies in machine learning, distributed optimization, stochastic optimization and high dimensional statistics.

Mentor: George Lan

Elif Konyar

Elif Konyar

Carmine and Jean Iannacone Postdoctoral Fellow

Elif Konyar is currently a Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Florida and expects to complete her degree in December 2024. Her research aims to create novel methods for modeling and monitoring systems with rich data sources. This involves integrating domain knowledge with data analytics models to extract meaningful patterns from high-dimensional and heterogenous data to facilitate decision-making and improve systems performance.

Mentor: Kamran Paynabar

 Kabir Verchand

Kabir Verchand

Gary C. Butler Family Postdoctoral Fellow

Kabir Verchand received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge. As a postdoctoral scholar, he hopes to deepen our understanding of modern challenges and tradeoffs in data science; particularly those which lie at the intersection of statistics and computation. In this vein, his long term goal is to develop a set of user-friendly analysis tools which enable joint understanding of statistical and computational considerations in problems with large and complex data as well as an accompanying set of basic principles common to each problem.

Mentor: Ashwin Pananjady


2023 Cohort

Rohan Ghuge

Rohan Ghuge

Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow

Rohan Ghuge received his Ph.D. degree in industrial and operations engineering from the University of Michigan, advised by Dr. Viswanath Nagarajan. His research lies broadly in the design and and analysis of algorithms for NP-hard problems. He is interested in studying algorithms under different kinds of computational models, and wants to apply these solution paradigms to real world problems arising in the fields of network design, routing, scheduling and assortment optimization (to name a few!).

Mentors: Vidya Muthukumar and Sahil Singla

Isaac Grosof

Isaac Grosof

Tennenbaum Postdoctoral Fellow

Isaac Grosof received their Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Dr. Mor Harchol-Balter. They are interested in optimization and performance analysis of stochastic scheduling models for modern computing systems, especially multiserver systems, tail latency, and scheduling with predictions.

Mentor: Siva Theja Maguluri

First position after postdoc: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences, Northwestern University

J. Carlos Martínez Mori

Carlos Martínez Mori

President’s Postdoctoral Fellow and Schmidt Science Fellow

Carlos Martínez received his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University. His passion is to conduct mathematics research in support of social good and to empower communities by improving representation in the mathematical sciences. He has worked on a variety of subjects: from the theory and practice of discrete optimization, in particular, network design, vehicle routing, and applications in transportation systems, to enumerative combinatorics. Going forward he plans to pivot into algorithmic fairness and cooperative game theory. His objective is to develop mathematical foundations that support equitable public decision-making. He will study the inherent tensions between notions of fairness, efficiency, and social cooperation within the design of equitable public infrastructure, aiming to improve service in practice.

Mentor: Alejandro Toriello

2022 Cohort

Shubhada Agrawal

Shubhada Agrawal

Herbert A. Johnson/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow

Shubhada Agrawal received her Ph.D. degree from the School of Technology and Computer Science at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India. Her research interests lie in the area of learning theory with a focus on sequential decision-making under uncertainty. She has worked on different problems related to multi-armed bandit algorithms.

Mentor: Siva Theja Maguluri

First position after postdoc: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.

Caleb Bugg

Caleb Bugg

Jerry and Harriett Thuesen Postdoctoral Fellow

Caleb Bugg received his Ph.D. degree in operations research from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California-Berkeley. He seeks to discover and implement novel interpretations of global issues, and to prescribe simple solutions that we as a global community can implement. Utilizing the mathematical and statistical models native to Operations Research and Management, he synthesizes topics that provide an analytical basis for our society to invest in long-term, social good projects. The basis of the work is to improve the citizenry’s value for socially beneficial goods, so that they may live healthy and active lifestyles, while solving their communities’ most pressing issues.

Mentor: Gian-Gabriel Garcia

First position after postdoc: Operations Analyst, Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere, Inc., Decatur, Georgia

Behshad Lahijanian

Behshad Lahijanian

Tennenbaum Postdoctoral Fellow

Behshad Lahijanian received her Ph.D. degree in industrial and systems engineering from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida. Her research focuses on decision-making by developing methods and algorithms for healthcare systems using stochastic programming, multi-method simulation, and machine learning.

Mentors: Nicoleta Serban and Gian-Gabriel Garcia

First position after postdoc: Senior Data Scientist, JP Morgan Chase

Zahra Mobini

Zahra Mobini

George Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

Zahra Mobini received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Operations Management of the Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas-Dallas. Her research interests revolve around the design and analysis of human-centric solutions to operations management problems, with a focus on healthcare operations. She is currently working on problems, in clinical settings, that encompass both sides of the human-technology frontier. Using empirical and analytical methods, her research aims to improve quality of care by leveraging the capabilities of technology while also accounting for the behavior of the caregivers who use it.

Mentor: Turgay Ayer

First position after postdoc: Assistant Professor, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Tech

Bento Natura

Bento Natura

Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman/ARC Postdoctoral Fellow

Bento Natura received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mathematics at the London School of Economics. His research interests are in operational research, combinatorial optimization, convex optimization, and game theory.

Mentor: Mohit Singh

First position after postdoc: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University

2021 Cohort

Eugene Ndiaye

Eugene Ndiaye

Tennenbaum President's Postdoctoral Fellow

Eugene Ndiaye received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Telecom ParisTech. His research interests focus on the interplay between machine learning and optimization, mainly to understand how a statistical learning algorithm can select particular information from data and how this selection bias affects its prediction abilities. Among other long-term objectives, it aims to provide quantifiable and implementable guarantees on the performance and limits of artificial intelligence methods as well as their impacts when they are deployed in society.

Mentors: Xiaoming Huo and Pascal Van Hentenryck

First position after postdoc: AI/ML - Machine Learning Researcher, Apple, Paris, France

Jingyan Wang

Jingyan Wang

Ronald J. and Carol T. Beerman/ARC President's Postdoctoral Fellow

Jingyan Wang received her Ph.D. in the School of Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2021, advised by Nihar Shah. She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences with a minor in Mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley in 2015. Her research interests lie in understanding and mitigating biases in decision making problems such as admissions, peer grading and peer review, using tools from statistics and machine learning. She is the recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at AAMAS 2019.

Mentors: Ashwin Pananjady and Juba Ziani

First position after postdoc: Research Assistant Professor, Toyota Technical Institute at Chicago

Martin Zubeldia

Martin Zubeldia

Tennenbaum President's Postdoctoral Fellow

Martin Zubeldia received a B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering (2012) and a M.Sc. degree in Engineering (2014) from the Universidad ORT Uruguay, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (2019) from MIT. Before joining Georgia Tech, he was a postdoc at the Eindhoven University of Technology, and at the University of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. His research primarily focuses on the modeling, analysis, and control of large-scale stochastic decision systems, inspired by applications in computer networks and other service systems. He is particularly interested in the fundamental tradeoffs between performance and efficiency in such systems, with an emphasis on the role that information plays in these tradeoffs. He was a finalist for the 2019 INFORMS APS Best Student Paper Award and for the 2016 INFORMS George E. Nicholson Student Paper Competition.

Mentor: Siva Theja Maguluri

First position after postdoc: Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Minnesota -Twin-Cities