
Can I double count courses towards my major and a minor?

You cannot double count courses unless the course is in the free elective or engineering elective category of your BSIE in which case the course can be used towards the minor as well. Students in the Technology and Management program should discuss their minor program of study with their ISyE academic advisor.

Can I take courses as Pass/Fail?

Certain courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. For undergraduate ISyE students these are limited to free electives, humanities and the additional social science (the required economics course, BOR history course and PSYC 1101 must be taken for letter grade). No ISyE courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis by a student seeking the BSIE degree unless the course is taken for free elective credit.

A maximum of 9 credit hours can be taken pass/fail

How do I change my major to Industrial Engineering?

ALL STUDENTS, (whether having accumulated 60 hours or not) who would like to change to the ISyE major must attend a Change of Major information session. See below for registration form.

Admitted First Year Students – attend change of major session

First Year students (non-transfers) are allowed one major change during the first 2 semesters of residence. After attending the change of major session student may submit the change of major form to the ISyE Academic Office (Sudie Davis), however the form will not be submitted to the GT Registrar’s office until after the deadline for withdrawal from classes with a W grade in the first term of their enrollment. See here for the GT Academic Calendar. The change would be effective for the second term of enrollment.

Current GT students (non-First Year) – attend change of major session

GT students who have studied at GT for more than 2 semesters or have more than 60 hours must follow the ISyE Change of Major requirements below.

Transfer Students from other Universities – attend change of major session

ISyE follows GT Change of Major rules in addition to specific ISyE change of major requirements below.

Requirements for Non-First Year and Transfer Students:

ISyE change of major candidates must complete the following four GT courses::

  • ENGL 1102* or PSYC 1101*
  • CS 1301*, CS 1371, or CS 2316
  • MATH 2603
  • ISyE 2027

* If you have transfer credit for these courses, ISyE will pick an appropriate substitute course for you to take. Please email Sudie Davis.

Additionally, change of major candidates must:

  • Earn at least a C in each of the four courses listed above;
  • Earn at least a 3.0 average in the four courses, weighing each course equally;
  • Have an overall Georgia Tech GPA of at least 3.0; and
  • Have a letter grade for the four courses (no transfer credit accepted).

General guideline for registration:

Please note:  being in the process of changing to ISYE does not grant you the ability to sign up for upper level ISYE classes. You must follow major restriction rules until you have met the requirements to officially change into ISYE.

  1. Continue with MATH. The ISyE sequence is:
    • 1551 – Differential Calc
    • 1553 or 1554 – Intro to Linear Algebra or Linear Algebra
    • 1552 – Integral Calc
    • 2551 (if you take MATH 1553) or 2550 (only if you take MATH 1554) – Multivariable Calc or Intro Multiv Calc
    • 2603 – Intro to Discrete Math
  2. Add English 1102 if you need it. Otherwise, add a Humanities, PSYC 1101, ECON, etc.
  3. The first ISYE course, ISYE 2027, requires MATH 2551 (or MATH 2550) – you may register for ISYE 2027 if: either you have completed or are enrolled in MATH 2551. We strongly recommend taking MATH 2550 prior to ISYE 2027.
  4. Add a Lab Science – ISyE requires four semesters: Physics 2211 and 2212 and two other 4-hour lab sciences. See our website:
  5. Add CS 1301 – please see here for CS registration information:
  6. ISyE 2027 is major restricted until the last Wednesday of Phase II.

Sign up for an information session

If you are off-campus use the:

How do I declare my concentration?
  • Log into Buzzport
  • On the Home tab, locate the “REGISTRATION AND STUDENT SERVICES “ channel
  • Select the “Registration – OSCAR” link
  • Select “Student Services & Financial Aid"
  • Select “Student Records”
  • Select “Change Program of Study”
  • Select "Change your Concentration"
  • Select your desired concentration and click “Submit Changes.”

How do I know what catalog year I am on?

If you are not sure of your Catalog Year, you can find listed on your DegreeWorks Audit.  It is listed on the black bar that is titled BSIE - Degree Requirements.

How do I withdraw from courses during the semester?

Georgia Tech policy allows students to withdraw (drop) from one or more courses each term, if they are permitted to do so by their major school. The specific drop-date is published in the academic calendar. ISyE follows Georgia Tech policy. However, students should be judicious to avoid waste of time and resources.  A decision to withdraw from a course is a serious one and should be made only after substantial deliberation and preferably in consultation with an academic advisor. See the Georgia Tech Catalog for rules and regulations on withdrawals. With the exception of part-time graduate students, students who withdraw from school and receive all grades of W will not ordinarily be permitted to re-enroll the next succeeding term. Refer to the Georgia Tech Catalog, Section VIII .B, for regulations regarding readmission.

If I repeat a class, will my first grade be removed from my GPA?

Unless a student is using Grade Substitution, all grades will be averaged into your GPA. Please see the official Grade Substitution Policy for details. A very limited Grade Substitution Policy exists for students who receive a D or an F in a course. The class must be repeated within one calendar year and the application for grade substitution must be submitted on time.

What are the rules on taking a course in Pass/Fail grade mode?

Certain courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. For undergraduate ISyE students these are limited to free electives, humanities and the extra social science (not ECON, Psychology or BOR History requirement).

For non-ISyE courses, the maximum number of Pass/Fail credits is

  • 3 for those with total of 45 – 70 hours at Georgia Tech;
  • 6 for 71 – 90 at Georgia Tech
  • 9 for 91 or more at Georgia Tech.

What classes are eligible to be used as free electives?

Free electives can be classes such as social science classes, humanities classes, management classes, additional IE electives, etc.

Free Electives may not repeat the material in any other class used for the BSIE degree. For example, ISYE 3770/MATH 3770/ MGT 2250 do not satisfy a free elective for IE students because there is a required statistics class (ISYE 3030) in the curriculum.
Pre-calculus cannot be used as a free elective.
No CETL course can be used as free elective.

Classes that do not count as free electives for BSIE students include:
MATH 1711, MATH 1113
PHYS 2802 (Physics Help Class)
ISYE 3770/MATH 3770/ MGT 2250 (Management Statistics)
All CETL courses
Work or internship experiences
Any repeated class
Any class that duplicates any other class required for the BSIE degree
If in doubt, ASK YOUR ADVISOR!

What classes can I transfer into GT?

See the Transfer Equivalency Table. If the class is not listed on this table, you need to contact the advisor in that department to ask who handles transfer credit in their department.  For more information about transfer credit see the Catalog.

What classes count as social science and humanities electives?

Social Science Electives

Humanities Electives

What is ISyE policy for double counting a course as both a certificate requirement and a major requirement?

ISyE allows double counting for courses that are used toward a certificate as long as the Institute's guidelines are met.

What is ISyE’s policy for readmission after academic dismissal (drop)?

Students seeking readmission must contact an ISyE advisor no less than three weeks before the readmission deadline listed on the Registrar website. All documents must be submitted to Registrar before the readmission deadline to be considered.


Students who have been dropped from school because of unsatisfactory academic performance may not always be re-admitted. They are advised strongly to seriously consider their educational and career aims and to seek educational alternatives accordingly. Among these alternatives are non-technical as well as engineering technology programs at other institutions. The sobering fact that many students who have fared poorly here must often face is that their aptitude, preparation, or work habits may simply not be amenable to a successful experience at Tech. In such cases, neither the Institute nor ISyE does the student a favor by granting readmission.

On the other hand, some students perform poorly (and are dropped accordingly) because of emotional difficulties, family and/or personal problems, substance abuse, and the like. Certainly, if this is the case, the student must be prepared, at the time of the readmission application, to present evidence that such problems contributed to the prior difficulties and that they are presently being dealt with appropriately. Helpful in this regard is documentation from suitable professional sources (i.e., physicians, counselors, etc.).

Semesters away from Georgia Tech:  ISyE policy is that, void of extenuating circumstances, a student who has been dropped for unsatisfactory scholarship must remain out of school for at least 2 semesters (excluding summer semester). During this time, the student is urged to consider taking courses at an alternative institution. Demonstration of an ability to perform in a satisfactory manner accordingly and with regard to meaningful coursework strengthens the student's case for re-admission to Tech. Again, please take note that the ISyE department only provides a recommendation regarding re-admission. The final decision is made by the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee.


Readmission Application: Students must first submit a readmission application to Registrar (includes a payment of $30) before the deadline. This application will then be sent from Registrar to the ISyE Academic Office for review.

Petition to Faculty: Students must complete the petition to faculty form. The bottom of this form will be completed by an ISyE academic advisor. Students are also highly encouraged to attach a personal letter to the petition that addresses the committee and explains the students situation and reason they believe they should be allowed to return after dismissal.

Re-admission Contract: If re-admission is recommended by ISyE, the student will be asked to sign a contract which will include a program of study and a minimum grade point average which will assure a GPA of at least 2.0 at the end of the period described by the contract. Failure to meet any part of the contract will result in the student's dismissal from the institute. With this action, the student will also agree that no attempt will be made to seek further re-admission to ISyE.


A second academic dismissal (drop): Students are advised to review Section VIII, B.6 of the Student Rules and Regulations stating: "A student who is dropped a second time for unsatisfactory scholarship will not be re-admitted to the Institute."

What is my academic standing?

See the Registrar's official definition and restrictions associated with different academic standings.

What is the minimum GPA required to graduate with a BS IE?

The minimum GPA required for graduating with an undergraduate degree from Georgia Tech is 2.0.

Additionally, starting Spring 2015, all incoming new students into IE must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in their ISYE prefix classes in order to graduate with a BS IE. ISYE 2699/2698/4698/4699/4802 are not included in this GPA calculation.


When can I get an "Incomplete" grade and how do I get it removed?

Definition of an "Incomplete" grade.

How to remove an "Incomplete" grade.

When do I apply for readmission?

See details in the Georgia Tech Catalog.

When do I submit a Petition to the Faculty?

Students may ask for relief from any of the Institute's rules and regulations by submitting a formal request to the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. The necessary form, called a Petition to the Faculty, can be obtained in the ISyE undergraduate office or from the registrar's website. A "Petition to the Faculty" form may be completed by a student when asking for an exception to an Institute rule or policy. Some examples of exception requests include:

  • To withdraw from school past the deadline
  • To be readmitted after being placed on DROP status
  • To extend the time to complete a thesis
  • To be granted an individual course substitution
  • To be granted full graduate standing

Typically, these petitions are granted when the student has been unjustly served by the regulations or when relief is requested from the consequences of a mistake over which the student had no control. Note, however, that these petitions will not be looked upon favorably if they seek protection from the consequences of your own carelessness.

A petitioner should complete the form, obtain the recommendation and signature of the undergraduate advisor or the Director of Undergraduate Studies, and submit the petition to the Registrar. Understand, however, that a departmental recommendation is not routine. If your case is not viewed as a legitimate one accordingly, do not expect a positive recommendation.