Academic Advisor II
- B.A. Sociology (2013), The University of Akron
James Turneur is an Academic Advisor at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. He collaborates with undergraduate students in short-term and long-term academic planning including: course planning, assistance with course registration questions, internships, study abroad, and co-op exploration, and assisting with retention, progression, and graduation of Georgia Tech ISYE students.
Preceding his time at Georgia Tech, James advised and mentored students through his position with Educational Talent Search and The University of Akron, planned and coordinated trips for students to educational conferences and volunteer opportunities, developed individualized educational plans, and developed and conducted skill-building workshops.
Upon moving to the Atlanta metropolitan area James first served as an Academic Advisor I, then Academic Advisor II at Georgia State University. During his time at Georgia State University, James advised students of all undergraduate majors but primarily majors within the Georgia State College of Arts & Sciences. During his time as an Advisor he also was selected as a member, and eventually a team lead within the University Advisement Center New Student Orientation team, assisted with class groupings of Freshman Learning Community blocks, instructed a Georgia State University Freshman Orientation course for 3 consecutive Fall semesters (2019-2021 ), and was selected as an advisor who presented University Advisement Center advisor processes, systems, and functions to national and international stakeholders/visitors interested in those specific methods.