Ph.D. Student - Operations Research


 ISyE Main 341
  • Jacob Aguirre LinkedIn


  • Ph.D. Operations Research (Expected 2028), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S. Quantitative and Computational Finance (Expected 2025), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S. Mathematics (2024), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • M.S. Economics (2023), Georgia Institute of Technology
  • B.S. Economics and Mathematics (2022), Georgia Institute of Technology


Jacob M. Aguirre is an Operations Research Ph.D. student at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is grateful to be advised by Professor Anton Kleywegt. Prior to beginning his Ph.D., Jacob was a B.S./M.S. student at Georgia Tech in Economics and Mathematics. Aguirre's primary research interests lie in theory and algorithms of convex optimization.

His research is generously supported by multiple fellowships and awards through the National Science Foundation GRFP, Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, Ernst & Young fellowship, H. Milton Stewart fellowship, and the GEM PhD Fellowship.