Ton Dieker, assistant professor in the Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE) has been awarded an IBM Faculty Award. The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and services organizations, and promote courseware and curriculum innovation to stimulate growth in disciplines and geographies that are strategic to IBM. Candidates are nominated by an IBM employee with common interests who will serve as a liaison for the collaboration. Candidates must have an outstanding reputation for contributions in their field or, in the case of junior faculty, show unusual promise.

Dieker works in the area of Applied Probability, and his research is motivated in part by applications to computer networks and to business processes such as workforce management and service systems. His expertise includes stochastic processes, stochastic networks, and stochastic analysis of algorithms. He recently received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and The Erlang Prize from the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS. He serves as an associate editor for Operations Research and Mathematics of Operations Research.

Ton Dieker

For More Information Contact

Barbara ChristopherIndustrial and Systems Engineering404.385.3102