SIAC Graduate Symposium

ISyE, Groseclose 402

We welcome all ISyEgraduate students to submit abstracts for oral presentation and posters.

Topics of interest include but not limited to the SIAC core themes:
Systems monitoring, control and prognosis, fault diagnosis, quality engineering, DOE, big data, data mining, automation, advanced manufacturing, optimization

Eligibility for submission: ISyE Ph.D. students regardless of their track

Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations and posters: October 20th

For more information on the symposium please visit the official site:

Organizing committee: Murat Yildirim, SamanehEbrahimi, XiaoweiYue

Faculty advisor: Dr. Kamran Paynabar

Luncheon speaker: Dr. JianjunShi

“Identify promising research topics and publish in top journals”

For inquiries and questions please contact the chair:

SIAC student symposium is a day-long event open to all students. We are focusing on promoting the research at the graduate level within ISyE. Our primary goals are i) to present the depth and breadth of research being pursued on the SIAC core themes to the first and second year students, and ii) to provide an opportunity for our senior students to disseminate their research findings through 20-minute oral presentations and posters.

Please register if you like to get lunch during the symposium, otherwise, feel free to stop by and attend the particular talks that rouse your interest.


SIAC graduate symposium will consist of oral presentations (20-minutes, similar format to their INFORMS counterparts), posters, and a luncheon address. This will be a unique opportunity to introduce some of the most exciting areas of research in our field to new graduate students. and for graduate students to rehearse and practice their talks. 


If you wish to present your research or register for lunch, please visit our page: Please