We are pleased to invite you to attend the annual Georgia Tech Faculty & Staff Honors Luncheon in support of your colleagues and others who have received accolades and awards throughout the past academic year. Twenty-two College of Engineering faculty members are receiving awards at this year’s event.

CoE Awardees
Amy Pritchett, AE; Gang Bao, BME; Essy Behravesh, BME; Kim Paige, BME;
Mark Prausnitz, ChBE; Michael Hunter, CEE; Michael Rodgers, CEE; Kari Watkins, CEE;
Donald Webster, CEE; John Cressler, ECE; A.P. Saikis Meliopoulos, ECE; James Hamblen, ECE; Bernard Kippelen, ECE; Christopher Rozell, ECE; Chien-Fu Jeff Wu, ISyE;
Kamran Paynabar, ISyE; Joel Sokol, ISyE; Kenneth Gall, MSE; Zhong Lin Wang, MSE;
Kenneth Sandhage, MSE; Satish Kumar, ME; J. Brandon Dixon, ME; Mary Hallisey Hunt, SEI

New for 2014!
Departments can purchase a table that accommodates up to eight for a discounted admission rate.

Table - $100      Individual - $15

•   Make reservations online at www.gatech.edu/specialevents/honorsluncheon by

    Mon., March 31
•   Payments can be made via journal entry. Otherwise, make checks payable to
    “Faculty & Staff Honors Luncheon.”
•   Reservation and payment instructions are also posted online at