ISyE Strategic Planning Retreat

Dear ISyE Colleagues,


With the recent publication of Georgia Tech’s Strategic Vision and Plan (Designing The Future) and the ongoing development process for the College of Engineering’s strategic plan, it is timely and appropriate for the School of Industrial & Systems Engineering to likewise re-develop its own strategic plan.  Thus ISyE will be undertaking its own strategic planning process over the next few months, which will yield a plan that shall be congruent with both the Institute’s and College’s visions, yet be uniquely attuned to the aspirations of the School.

The first major step in that process will be an ISyE visioning retreat.  The retreat will enable us to discuss the various aspects of a strategic plan for the School, including its vision, mission, objectives, goals, strategies, and measures.  The retreat will be held on April 30, 2011 at Georgia Tech’s Global Learning Center (more details to follow soon).  You are hereby invited to participate in the retreat.